Dora the Explorer is a half-hour animated children's television series starring a 7-year-old Latina girl and her friends. The show is designed to actively engage preschoolers in a play-along, computer-style adventure. In each episode, Dora invites young viewers to join her on an adventure or an exploration with a clearly defined goal at the end. Using Map to point out the stops on the way, Dora and the viewer must solve problems and overcome obstacles along the way to their goal. At the end of each episode, Dora, the viewer, and Dora's friends, celebrate with Dora's signature "We Did It" dance. Dora the Explorer is a ground-breaking children's show, in part because it incorporates play-along viewing and interaction in every episode. Dora the Explorer also introduces kids to Spanish words, encourages movement, and gives viewers the skills and the confidence needed to overcome challenges.