Award your little bunny with a certificate for being so brave during his first visit to a dentist.
Do it your self category: PRESCHOOL PRINTABLES
Camp Fire Party Story Starters
Read each story starter aloud and let kids tell what happens next. Go around in a circle so that everyone contributes to the story.
Boots Slippers Templates
These slippers stitch up by hand in minutes. Use regular felt, or–to make them extra warm–use wool felt instead. If you prefer, you can make the Boots faces and glue them to storebought slippers instead.
Boots no New Scarf Template
Simply make appliques of Wubbzy and his kickety ball with colored felt pieces and our templates, then glue them to a fleece scarf (store-bought or home-made).
Follow this template to make the Boots No-Sew Scarf.