Tips to manage junior’s TV time
5 yhiua

As your tot grows a little older, he will naturally take to television like a bee to nectar. Noticed how he can’t seem to tear himself away from his favourite cartoon series- ‘Tom and Jerry’ and ‘Shin-chan’ – even when you call out to him? As a parent, you land up in a difficult situation: Should you stop him from watching television? Should you get rid of the idiot box? If so, won’t he be out of currency with friends?

Wondering how you can indulge his curiosity yet keep his TV time under control?

Here are some ways to channelise junior’s TV-watching habits:

Set limits 

Children can stay glued to the TV all day, if left unattended. So, set clear limits right from the beginning. While allowing your kid to watch his favourite programmes like ‘Doremon’ or ‘Oggy and the Cockroaches’, make sure he sticks to your said limits. Giving him an interesting alternative will help. For instance, say to him firmly, “Once your favourite cartoon is over, I want you to do some painting”€ Strive to make television an engaging activity, encouraging him to watch creative programmes like ‘Pogo Mad’ and ‘Art Attack’, which will boost his creativity. Do not forget to keep adult content off limits! 

Encourage playtime

Watching television during playtime, alone or with friends, should be strictly prohibited. Communicate this to his friends’ parents as well for positive results. Your tot needs to play and interact with friends for sound physical, mental, and social growth. Indoor games like Ludo, snakes and ladders, or noughts and crosses can also take his mind off television. 

Bond over shows

Who says adults can’t enjoy ‘Tom and Jerry’ or ‘Art Attack’? Join your tot on his favourite TV programme and see how excited he gets, as you both laugh together or discuss the cat’s antics over dinner. This way you can check what he’s watching and channelise his TV viewing. 

Be a role model

If you spend a lot of time watching TV, your little one is bound to follow suit. So, avoid the couch potato syndrome! For, if junior sees you robotically flitting through channels, he’ll do the same. Watch limited programs with engagement, and see your tot modelling his TV habits after you.

Follow these simple tips and watch your tot give up on the remote for his entertainment.

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