Teaching your tot to be honest
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Wouldn’t you want to instil the treasure of honesty into your little girl? Like soft and moist clay, she can also be moulded into an honest individual, with persistent tutoring. So, it is important to teach her honesty from a very young age. To get out of trouble, have her way, impress or protect her friend, she may lie in a harmless way. But, it’s best you nip this in the bud before lying becomes her habit!

Here are some ways to bring up an honest kid:

Age 2 to 3 years 

Soft intervention

As your little girl learns to speak, she is a bundle of dreams, wishes, fantasies, and fears. Being unclear about the concept of ‘truth’, she may insist that her baby brother took away her toy to get even with him, when in fact, you know that he hasn’t done it. In such a situation, it’s best to respond mildly and express doubt, explaining why you think he is innocent. Tell her calmly, “I don’t think your brother took away your toy because he and I were playing together on the terrace”€ Rather than scolding her for lying, encourage her to reveal the truth. Avoid punishing her as she may develop negative feelings. Instead, gradually try to ingrain the seeds of honesty by recounting moral stories around the virtue.

Age 4 to 5 years 

Be direct

Despite your earlier efforts, at this age, your tot will resort to obvious whoppers at some point or the other. For example, she may say, “I didn’t spill the milk”€, when, in fact, it is obvious she knows who’s the culprit. Seize this opportunity to correct her firmly while the deed is still fresh in her mind. Say to her, “It doesn’t seem like you are telling the truth”€ or “I don’t believe that is what happened”. Let her know that you are aware she is lying, giving appropriate reasons. Begin a one-on-one conversation on honesty explaining to her what is a lie, how do you feel when you lie, and why is it not okay to lie. Then, gently move on, without broaching the topic of her whooper again. However, to subtly keep up the drill, continue telling her moral stories, praise her when she is honest, and most importantly, be a role model to your angel. She’ll definitely turn out to be an honest individual, you want her to be!

With these tips, let your tot imbibe the cherished value of honesty early in life!

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