wonder pets szisz

Tuck Decorative Egg


See Tuck come into life when you add a foam shell, a pom-pom, googly eyes, and a felt hat to a green egg.

tuck decorative egg  SFsyl
Craft Feature


  • Large green plastic egg, about 3 1/2 inches tall
  • Dark green self-adhesive foam or construction paper
  • 2 self-adhesive wiggly eyes
  • 1 green medium-sized pom-pom
  • Craft glue
  • Blue felt
  • White felt
  • 1 tiny red pom-pom

    ·  Step 1: For the shell: From the green self-adhesive foam, cut out a large oval, about 4 inches long and about 3 inches wide. Remove the paper backing and secure it to the long side of the egg.

    ·  Step 2: For the head: Have kids press two wiggly eyes onto the green pom-pom. Then they can glue the green pom-pom to the top of the egg, just below the shell.

    ·  Step 3: For the hat: From the blue felt, cut a 3/4-inch circle. From the white felt, cut a slightly smaller circle. Glue the white circle on top of the blue circle. Then glue the red pom-pom to the white circle. Once dry, glue the hat on the Tuck’s head.

    ·  Step 4: For the base: As the hat dries, cut a strip about 1/2 inch wide by 7 inches long from the green foam or construction paper. Curve it to form an oval-shaped loop, overlapping the ends and stapling or gluing them in place. Place Tuck inside the oval base.